Clue: A Mediator’s Murder Mystery

Amid tense negotiations between two nations on the brink of war, Mr. Boddy, the sole person capable of negotiating peace between them, has been found murdered. The committee, consisting of the iconic characters from the classic board game “Clue,” and the only witnesses to the crime, must uncover the mystery: Who killed Mr. Boddy? Why? And most importantly, can they find the murderer before violent conflict erupts? The stakes are high, making every clue critical to cracking this whodunit case. 

Head Chair: Ashley Block

Ashley Block is thrilled to be the Head Chair for the Clue: A Mediator’s Murder Mystery committee at DMUNC XXII. Ashley’s experiences in her high school’s Model UN team inspired her to pursue a degree in Political Science at UC Davis. In her spare time, she likes to rock climb, cook, and of course, nap. She’s excited to meet all of you, and she can’t wait to see all the creative solutions that delegates will propose in response to this committee’s twists and turns!

Crisis Director: TBA

Coordinating Crisis Director: TBA