Position Paper Guidelines

Delegates who submit their position papers after these deadlines will not be eligible for awards. Please email your position papers to your committee’s Head Chair. If you do have a valid excuse for extension of position papers, please email your Head Chair about your reasons with valid documentation. 

Position papers must be submitted as a PDF. Google documents or other forms of submission will not be accepted. Maximum Pages: 2 pages not double spaced per topic, or 4 pages double spaced per topic. Position papers must have proper in-text citations and a bibliography using citations. Position papers should be either single or double spaced, have 12 pt Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch margins. Please place the conference name, committee name, and country/character in the upper lefthand corner of the header. Please do not include any personal identifying information such as name or school.

Please email your completed Position Paper to your Chairs no later than May 10th at 11:59 PM to be considered for a research award and a committee award, or May 16th at 11:59 PM for just a committee award- all delegates wishing to be considered for a committee award must submit a paper by this date and time. Position papers submitted on or before May 10th will be graded by the dais and returned with a score and comments. Delegates who submit their position papers after May 10th may request their Head Chair to grade their position papers, but will not be eligible for research awards. The position papers will be graded according to these rubrics at the discretion of the dais: