It’s the 1530s in England, and Henry VIII is king. He wants an annulment of his marriage with Queen Katherine of Aragon, but Pope Clement VII refuses to provide a definite and enforced answer. Members of the nobility are split, since some of them are conservative and remain loyal to Queen Katherine of Aragon while others are more liberal and wish to see the Catholic Church removed from its influence in England’s politics. Political figureheads all across Europe are involved, since most members of international royal families are in some way related to the English royal family. These negotiations are a culmination of the Clergy, the Nobility, and members of international embassies to determine the future of England.

Head Chair: Katherine Zhang
My name is Katherine Zhang. I am a first year double major in Political Science and Economics, and I am incredibly excited to be your head chair for this committee. I’ve been involved in Model UN since 8th grade, making this my 6th year. Outside of school and Model UN, I’m also involved in undergraduate Moot Court. I love pilates, watching TV shows, and finding cute cafes to study in.
Crisis Director: TBA
Coordinating Crisis Director: TBA