21st Century South Korea: The Game of Blood and Money

Committee Description

The Asian Tiger roars! Beginning the century as a colony of Japan, and steering through dictatorship after dictatorship, South Korea has entered the 21st century as one of the world’s biggest economies. This is due in part to the monstrous entities known as chaebols. These multinational conglomerates, Samsung, Hyundai, and others have become a cultural and political staple in South Korean everyday life. But, the power of these chaebols on society in comparison pales to the fear that the Hermit Kingdom, North Korea, instills into South Korean Life. Not to mention the cultural soft power South Korea wields in the form of K-pop. In this crisis committee, delegates will play the roles of some of South Korea’s elites as they attempt to steer the country further into the 21st Century. Delegates will have to use their unique skill sets in both the front room and the back room to work together to navigate the twists and turns in the governance of a democratic economy. With their work, Korea may either prosper or crumble.

Crisis Director: Joanna Sodke